The SAAB range of cars has great potential for tuning without compromising reliability.
All our tuning products are designed to operate within the huge safety margins built into SAAB’s engines and transmissions, with the lower stages suitable for the standard brake package.
An extra benefit of tuning your SAAB is improved fuel economy, with the vast majority of owners reporting an additional 3-4 miles per gallon when driven conservatively.
We also offer a MapTun loyalty upgrade scheme, so if you have already chosen for instance a stage 1 package, you can purchase a software upgrade to a higher stage for a cost of £150.00 plus VAT.
So there is no need to fit the more powerful upgrades straight away, but build up to, for example stage 3, progressively.

Stage 1
Stage 1 comprises a MapTuner loaded with appropriate software, allowing not only power upgrading but reversion to the original map if required.

Stage 2
Stage 2 contains a MapTuner plus a mapTun 3″ cat back exhaust system and a MapTun sport air filter.

Stage 3
Stage 3 is as per stage 2 but with addition of a sports catalyst for faster turbocharger spool up and suitable software amendments.